Tuesday, 20 September 2016

Interim Critique/Prototyping

Our three prototypes for interim were: a video of us prototyping on Lambton Quay, a teaser hand installation that let people know Hi-Five Cam was roaming about, and a Hi-Five frame that we used to spontaneously frame people around class to see if they would hi-five without any explanation.

  • An idea from Donald: People dressed up in branded clothing or costumes high fiving people on the street (performers from somewhere like Toi Whakaari). They could be wishing people a good day but also letting people know Hi-Five Cam is coming, "Get some practice in for Hi-Five Cam", "Three days till Hi-Five Cam", "We're warming up your high-fiving hand" etc
  • Another idea from Donald: The hand teaser installation could be in workplaces, elevators etc as well as just the street.
  • Insight: Lots of people high-fived the hanging hands - is there a potential there for some sort of installation that people can interact with?
  • Lots of people we talked to/did our Hi-Five frame prototype on had seen the hand installation and wondered what it was about, which is what we wanted from that prototype - just to make people curious about what was coming.
  • Everybody we did our frame prototype on were willing to high-five the person next to them, but we feel like maybe this isn't that accurate of a test because everyone probably knew the person they we standing/sitting with. What we did learn from this prototype was that a high-five is an interaction that doesn't need any explaining and it's not hard to prompt people to high-five.
  • An idea from another student: Could there be cartoon hands on sticks at the traffic lights that you could use to high-five someone else to avoid touching other people if you were worried about germs? Or free hand sanitiser?
  • Something Donald said: Are the people who are willing to be brave and high-five someone else the people who need the interaction the most? How do you make sure the introverted office worker wants to be involved?

This class was great as we received lots of positive comments and engagement, but we also got people asking questions that made us look at our project from a new angles. We feel like this session is definitely going to help make our project stronger.

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